Recent Messages
Advent 2024
Luke 1.1-4 -- A certainty in faith (27 October 2024) (m4a)
Luke 1.5-25 -- Are you for real? (3 November 2024) (m4a)
Luke 1.26-38 -- Gabriel goes north (10 November 2024) (m4a)
Luke 1.39-45 -- Good company (17 November 2024) (m4a)
Luke 1.46-56 -- Sudden worship (24 November 2024) (m4a)
Luke 1.57-66 -- What are you pointing at? (1 December 2024) (m4a)
Luke 1.67-80 -- Sometimes you can't help but speak (8 December 2024) (m4a)
Luke 2.1-7 -- The main event (22 December 2024) (m4a)
Luke 2.8-21 -- A lot of singing (29 December 2024) (m4a)
Luke 2.21-40 -- Dedication (12 January 2025) (m4a)
Luke 2.41-52 -- Jesus is not lost (19 January 2025) (m4a)
Luke 3.1-20 -- Baptizing John ... (Mark Warden, 26 January 2025) (m4a)
Luke 3.21-38 -- Interrogating God's word? (2 February 2025) (m4a)
Luke 4.1-13 -- Tempting (9 February 2025) (m4a)
New Year
Colossians 3.1-4 (5 January 2025) (m4a)
Genesis (links to part 1 below)
Genesis 23 -- A time to mourn (26 May 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 24.1-9 -- What does God want? (2 June 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 24.10-60 -- God answers prayer (9 June 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 24.61-67 -- Husband and wife (16 June 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 25.1-18 -- Abraham's end (23 June 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 25.19-34 -- It's twins (30 June 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 26.1-11 -- (Roger Ryan, 7 July 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 26.12-35 (James Barrett, 14 July 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 27.1-46 -- My way? (21 July 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 28.1-22-- Blessings and dreams (28 July 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 29.1-30 -- A learning experience (4 August 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 29.31-30.24 -- A football team? (11 August 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 30.25-43 -- That's rich (18 August 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 31.1-21 -- Flee to the hills (25 August 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 31.22-55 -- Running for home (1 September 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 32.1-21 -- Oh, brother (part 1) (8 September 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 32.22-32 -- Jesus in the ring (15 September 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 33.1-20 -- Oh, brother (part 2) (22 September 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 34.1-31 -- Trouble with the neighbours (29 September 2024) (m4a)
Genesis 35.1-29 -- Back on track (6 October 2024) (m4a)
Feasts and festivals of Israel
Leviticus 23.1-22 -- Spring feast and festival of Israel (13 October 2024) (m4a)
Leviticus 23.23-44 -- Autumn feast and festival of Israel (20 October 2024) (m4a)
Passover to Pentecost
John 20.19-23 -- Peace be with you (7 April 2024) (m4a)
John 20.24-29 -- My Lord and my God (14 April 2024) (m4a)
John 21.1-14 -- 'It is the Lord!' (21 April 2024) (m4a)
John 21.15-25 -- Do you love Me? (28 April 2024) (m4a)
Acts 1.1-11 -- Moving on up (5 May 2024) (m4a)
Acts 1.12-14 -- Did you say a prayer meeting? I'm busy (12 May 2024 ) (m4a)
Psalm 51.10-15 -- Pentecost? (19 May 2024) (m4a)
1 John
1 John 1.1-4 -- That Which ... (8 October 2023) (m4a)
1 John 1.5-10 -- The message of light (15 October 2023) (m4a)
1 John 2.1-6 -- Being sure (29 October 2023) (m4a)
1 John 2.7-11 -- Old or new (5 November 2023) (m4a)
1 John 2.12-14 -- A letter for you (Roger Ryan, 12 November 2023) (m4a)
1 John 2.15-17 -- A word about the world (19 November 2023) (m4a)
1 John 2.18-27 -- They will try to deceive you (26 November 2023) (m4a)
1 John 2.28-3.10 -- Who's your daddy? (3 December 2023) (m4a)
1 John 3.11-18 -- Our love life (7 January 2024) (m4a)
1 John 3.19-24 -- Guilt trips (14 January 2024) (m4a)
1 John 4.1-6 -- Be discerning (21 January 2024) (m4a)
1 John 4.7-11 -- Whole lot of love (28 January 2024) (m4a)
1 John 4.12-21 -- Complete love (4 February 2024) (m4a)
1 John 5.1-5 -- The victory (11 February 2024) (m4a)
1 John 5.6-12 -- The three witnesses (25 February 2024) (m4a)
1 John 5.13-20 -- What we know that we know (James Barrett, 3 March 2024) (m4a)
1 John 5.21 -- Last words (17 March 2024) (m4a)
Special services
Psalm 139 -- thanksgiving service for Florence Eve (18 February 2024) (m4a)
Luke 10.38-42 -- Mother's Day (10 March 2024) (m4a)
Matthew 28.1-10 -- He is risen! (31 March 2024) (m4a)
Christmas 2023
Matthew 2.1-12 -- The King (17 December 2023) (m4a)
Colossians 1.15-20 -- Who is this Jesus? (24 December 2023) (m4a)
Philippians 4.4-9 -- So what will 2024 hold for you? (31 December 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 1.1-2 -- An impressive letter (8 January 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 1.3-6 -- The Father's work (15 January 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 1.7-12 -- The Son's work (22 January 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 1.13-14 -- The Spirit's work (29 January 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 1.15-23 -- Possessing your possessions (5 February 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 2.1-10 -- Dead men don't walk (12 February 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 2.11-22 -- Being built (19 February 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 3.1-13 -- The mystery of grace (26 February 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 3.14-21 -- A great way to pray (5 March 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 4.1-6 -- Some number ones (12 March 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 4.7-12 -- Church equipment (19 March 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 4.13-16 -- Tossing to and fro (26 March 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 4.17-24 -- Becoming new (16 April 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 4.25-5.2 -- Speaking and walking in love (James Barrett, 23 April 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 5.3-21 -- Have the right partners (30 April 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 5.22-33 -- Mirroring Christ -- marriage (7 May 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 6.1-9 -- Responsible relationships (14 May 2023) (m4a)
Ephesians 6.10-24 -- Well armoured (21 May 2023) (m4a)
Special services
1 Corinthians 15.1-19 -- Easter Day 2023 (9 April 2023) (m4a)
John 4.31-38 -- Harvest thanksgiving (2 October 2022) (m4a)
John 6.22-40 -- I am the bread of life (23 October 2022) (m4a)
John 8.12-30 -- I am the light of the world (30 October 2022) (m4a)
John 10.1-10 -- I am the door (6 November 2022) (m4a)
John 10.11-21 -- I am the good shepherd (Roger Ryan, 13 November 2022) (m4a)
John 11.17-44 -- I am the resurrection and the life (20 November 2022) (m4a)
John 14.1-6 -- I am the way, the truth, and the life (27 November 2022) (m4a)
John 15.1-17 -- I am the true vine (4 December 2022) (m4a)
John 8.31-59 -- I am (18 December 2022) (m4a)
Romans 12.1-2 -- Year verses for 2023 (1 January 2023) (m4a)
John 14.15-31 -- Pentecost promised (28 May 2023) (m4a)
Luke 12.13-31 -- Harvest (1 October 2023) (m4a)
Psalm 11 -- Church anniversary (Peter Bines, 22 October 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 1.1, John 1.1 -- In the beginning (8 May 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 1.1-2 -- In the beginning God created (15 May 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 1.2-25 -- The creation before humanity (Roger Ryan, 22 May 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 1.26-31 -- God's purpose for us people (29 May 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 2.1-3 -- People (James Barrett, 5 June 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 2. -- Who are you? (12 June 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 2.18-25 -- God's copyright on marriage (19 June 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 3.1-7 -- Tempting, isn't it (26 June 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 3.8-15 -- Hide and seek (Roger Ryan, 3 July 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 3.16-24 -- Cursed but covered (10 July 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 4.1-15 -- Sin crouching at the door (17 July 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 4.16-26 -- Away from the presence of the Lord
(Roger Ryan, 24 July 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 5 -- A generational thing (Roger Ryan, 30 July 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 6.1-8 -- Multiplication (7 August 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 6.9-22 -- Standing alone for God (14 August 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 7.1-24 -- You can't say you weren't warned (21 August 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 8.1-22 -- Feeling isolated? (28 August 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 9.1-7 -- The sanctity of life (4 September 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 9.8-17 -- The reality of the rainbow (11 September 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 9.18-29 -- Good men sin (18 September 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 10.1-32 -- Start of the nations (25 September 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 11.1-9 -- You can't outsmart God (9 October 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 11.10-32 -- History (16 October 2022) (m4a)
Genesis 12.1-9 -- Get out (4 June 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 12.10-20 -- Who are you trusting (11 June 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 13 -- Facing up to things (18 June 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 14.1-16 -- A lot of trouble (Roger Ryan, 25 June 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 14.17-24 -- Two very different kings (2 July 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 15 -- Promises and prophecy (James Barrett, 9 July 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 16 -- Don't second guess God (James Barrett, 16 July 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 17 -- Impossible? not with God (23 July 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 18.1-15 -- What are you laughing at? (Roger Ryan, 30 July 2023) (recording
not available)
Genesis 18.16-33 -- Negotiating with God (6 August 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 19.1-29 -- Don't look back (13 August 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 19.30-38 -- The last of Lot (20 August 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 20 -- Deja vu (27 August 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 20.1-7 -- Good old mum (3 September 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 21.8-21 -- A complicated family (10 September 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 21.22-34 -- Well, well, well (17 September 2023) (m4a)
Genesis 22 -- A testing time (24 September 2023) (m4a)
Easter 2022
Matthew 21.1-17 -- Palm Sunday (m4a)
Luke 24.13-35 -- Never ending story (24 April 2022) (m4a)
John 12.1-17 -- Anointing (David Easton, 1 May 2022) (m4a)
Advent 2021
Luke 1.5–25 – Left speechless (28 November 2021) m4a
Isaiah 60.1–6 – Rise & Shine! (5 December 2021) m4a
John 1:14–18 – God Made Known (19 December 2021) m4a
Luke 2:16-20 -- Boxing Day? (26 December 2021) m4a
Psalm 139.7-12 -- Close to the Lord? (2 January 2022) m4a
Mother's Day
2 Timothy 1.1-7 -- Mother's Day (27 March 2022) (m4a)
Acts of the Spirit (Keith Waters)
Acts 21.1-16 -- Jerusalem bound (9 January 2022) (m4a)
Acts 21.17-36 -- An arresting time (16 January 2022) (m4a)
Acts 21.37-22.21 -- Time to speak (James Barrett, 23 January 2022) (m4a)
Acts 22.22-29 -- An error of judgment (30 January 2022) (m4a)
Acts 22.30-23.11 -- A council meeting (6 February 2022) (m4a)
Acts 23.12-35 -- God's protection (13 February 2022) (m4a)
Acts 24.1-27 -- Don't dither (20 February 2022) (m4a)
Acts 25.1-12 -- Appealing (27 February 2022) (m4a)
Acts 25.13-26.32 -- Listening but not hearing (6 March 2022) (m4a)
Acts 27 -- Stormy weather (13 March 2022) (m4a)
Acts 28.1-16 -- Thanking God (20 March 2022) (m4a)
Acts 28.17-31 -- Chained but free (3 April 2022) (m4a)
(please contact church for access to mp4 files)
Acts 1.1-11 -- Two promises and a departure (4 October 2020) (mp4)
Acts 1.12-26 -- Prompted by prayer (11 October 2020) (mp4)
Acts 2.1-13 -- Bewildered, amazed and astonished (18 October 2020) (mp4)
Acts 2.14-41 -- Powerful preaching (25 October 2020) (mp4)
Acts 2:42-47 -- Glad and Generous Hearts? (1 November 2020) (mp4)
Acts 3:1-26 -- Are You Gazing, Looking or Staring? (8 November 2020) (mp3)
Acts 4.1-22 -- What shall we do? (15 November 2020) (mp3)
Acts 4.32-5.11 -- Wholeheartedly or not at all? (Nigel Croxford 10 January 2021) (doc)
Acts 5.12-42 -- We must obey God rather than men (17 January 2021)
Acts 6.1-7 -- Chosen to serve (24 January 2021)
Acts 6.8-15 -- Like the face of an angel (31 January 2021)
Acts 7 -- Full of the Holy Spirit (7 February 2021)
Acts 8 -- Moving on out (14 February 2021)
Acts 8.4-25 -- Who are you paying attention to? (11 April 2021) (mp4)
Acts 8.26-40 -- A good question and a good answer (18 April 2021) (mp4)
Acts 9.1-19 -- Surprising brothers (25 April 2021) (mp4)
Acts 9.20-31 -- A basket case (2 May 2021) (mp4)
Acts 9.32-43 -- Rise and shine (9 May 2021) (mp4)
Acts 10 -- The third key (16 May 2021) (mp4)
Joel 2.28-32 -- Pentecost (23 May 2021) (mp4)
Acts 11.1-18 -- Reporting back (30 May 2021) (mp4)
Acts 11.19-30 -- Widening horizons (Nigel Croxford 6 June 2021) (mp3)
Acts 12 -- And all for God's glory (13 June 2021) (mp4)
Acts 13.1-12 -- the Called and the conman (20 June 2021) (mp4)
Acts 13.13-32 -- The adventure starts (4 July 2021) (mp4)
Acts 14.1-20 -- Popular but stoned (11 July 2021) (mp4)
Acts 14.21-28 -- All the God had done (David Cornish, 18 July 2021) (mp4)
Acts 15.1-35 -- A matter for the council (25 July 2021) (mp4)
Acts 15.35-41 -- Good role models (1 August 2021) (mp4)
Acts 16.1-10 -- Some curious incidents (5 September 2021) (mp4)
Acts 16.11-15 -- Open heart surgery (22 August 2021) (mp4)
Acts 16.16-40 -- Prison drama (28 August 2021) (mp4)
Acts 17.1-15 -- Two very different reactions (12 September 2021) (mp4)
Acts 17.16-34 -- Taking the Gospel to Mars (19 September 2021) (mp4)
Acts 18.1-17 -- Do not be afraid (3 October 2021) (mp4)
Acts 18.18-28 -- Paul and Apollos (10 October 2021) (mp4)
life through Jesus Christ.